Foot Artillery non-Panoramic Sight

(0-5760 & 0-6400)

Below Photographs. These are the 0-5760 sight for the 15cm. s.F.H. 1902 and the 10cm Kanone 1904.  It was also retrofitted to the 15cm. s.F.H. 1893.  In the case of the “93, replacing the older non-optical 0-5800 type sight.

Foot Artillery Sight Foot Artillery Sight Foot Artillery Sight Foot Artillery Sight

The Drawings Below are of the sightmount and sight for the 15cm. s.F.H. 1902.  The arch like mount serves the same purpose as a range drum.  This arch is elevated until the correct range to target is indicated on the side.  Then the howitzer barrel is elevated until the sight's fish eye bubble is level.  This could also be checked by using a gunner’s quadrant.

sight & sightmount sightmount & sight

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All images, research, and text are sole property of Ralph Lovett.